The brand is the personality of your business. Your brand is not the product or service you offer. And it’s also far from just your logo, visual identity, slogan, and even your name. All these other things are ways to make that personality clear to the audience.

Remember: your brand is what people say about you when you’re not there. What impression do you make today? What emotions and impressions do you want to convey? To understand this, do a deep reflection exercise and answer a few questions:

  • What is your mission? Try to answer in a short sentence.
  • What are your values?
  • What is the purpose of your company?
  • What’s your story?
  • What are the advantages of your product?
  • How do people see you today?
  • What feelings and adjectives do you want to associate with your company?

These values ​​should guide the entire path of your company, making a move from the inside out. In other words, as we saw earlier, your team must know and live these values. The business environment must breathe this identity daily; your product must deliver what was promised; customer service must be impeccable and imprint this personality. And, of course, the visual identity needs to be in harmony with your beliefs, emotions, and values. From this reflection and the definition of your brand, it will be possible to start this management and, finally, start working on branding.

How To Manage The Brand?

Now that you have defined your mission, vision, values ​​, and positioning, you can start working on brand management. This way, you will be able to bring to the public these ideas that you have established. Next, we’ll understand how to manage your business’s brand.

  1. Visual Identity

The first step in building your company’s image is choosing what your brand will look like. For this, you must define:


The first step is to create a logo for your company maybe for your social media marketing, that is, the visual element that will represent your business. In this step, remember to know your target audience well. Before getting down to business, do a survey of your ideal customer and ask yourself: is my brand modern, young, relaxed? What should my customers think when they see my logo for the first time? Then do the competitor analysis—research what already exists, what works well with your audience, and what you should avoid.


Colors help to reinforce your brand’s visual identity. All shades that will be present in your logo should also be part of your company’s communication.

Colors represent 80% of brand recognition. It was also noticed how they affect people’s decision-making power: 62 to 90% of first impressions, and the basis is colors.

So, when choosing a color to represent your brand, you must think far beyond your personal preferences. It is necessary to look for color (or a set of colors) that represents the company, reinforcing the visual identity of your business in institutional and promotional presentations. For more information please visit

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